Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Download SharePoint 2013 Pre-requisites in one go

When I started installation of SharePoint Server 2013 RTM on Windows Server 2012 virtual machine, I got an error screen showing that I have to install pre-requisites for SharePoint 2013.


I found a very nice blog post where all downloadable links for required pre-requisites software are listed. Have a look at here.

In the above mentioned blog post, another post is mentioned where I found a cool PowerShell script which downloads all required software for me automatically. I just need to run that script and after some time, all required components will be downloaded in desired location on my disk. URL for this post is

I am posting that script here too in case (for any reason) that blog post is removed. Copy this script and paste in a PS1 file and run it with PowerShell.

###############SharePoint 2013 Pre Requisite Software Downloader############
###Author: Aben Samuel####Date:27/10/2012###################################
#####URL#####EDIT IF Microsoft Makes Changes to the URL#####################
$UrlList = ("", # Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5
"", # Windows Management Framework 3.0 (CTP2)
"", #Microsoft SQL Server 2008 r2 Native Client
"", #Windows Identity Foundation (KB974405)
"", # Microsoft Sync Framework Runtime v1.0 SP1 (x64)
"", #Windows Server AppFabric
"", # Windows Identity Extensions
"", # Microsoft Information Protection and Control Client
"", # Microsoft WCF Data Services 5.0
"" # CU Package 1 for Microsoft AppFabric 1.1 for Windows Server (KB2671763)
####Destination Directory for the files to be downloaded######################
$DestPath = "C:\SP2013B2"
######################################DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE##################################################
Write-Warning "Executing Script"
##Importing Bits Module######
Import-Module BitsTransfer
Remove-Item $DestPath -recurse -erroraction SilentlyContinue
New-Item $DestPath -type directory -erroraction SilentlyContinue
"Folder Created"
## Check that the path entered is valid
If (Test-Path "$DestPath" -Verbose)
## If destination path is valid, create folder if it doesn't already exist
$DestFolder = "$DestPath\PrerequisiteInstallerFiles"
New-Item -ItemType Directory $DestFolder -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Write-Warning " - Destination path appears to be invalid."
## Pause
Write-Host " - Please check the path, and try running the script again."
Write-Host "- Press any key to exit..."
$null = $host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey("NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown")
ForEach ($Url in $UrlList)
$DestFileName = $Url.Split('/')[-1]
If (!(Test-Path "$DestFolder\$DestFileName"))
## Start the download process
Start-BitsTransfer -Source $Url -Destination $DestFolder\$DestFileName -DisplayName "Downloading `'$DestFileName`' to $DestFolder" -Priority High -Description "From $Url..." -ErrorVariable err
If ($err) {Throw ""}
Write-Host " - File $DestFileName already exists, skipping..."
Write-Warning " - An error occurred downloading `'$DestFileName`'. Check whether Internet connectivity is enabled on this device"
Write-Host "- Downloads completed"
Invoke-Item $DestFolder
Write-Warning "Press any key to exit"
$null = $host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey("NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown")

I ran this script using PowerGUI and here is screenshot.


All downloaded executable are here in this folder.
